Faith & Obedience

Obedience and Patience In studying this week, I was thinking about Noah and his commitment to obedience patience, and trust in the Lord’s timing. His ministry of preaching and building the arc as commanded began at least 100 years before the flood came. When the arc was finished, he was commanded to enter the arc with his family and was sealed up inside... a full 7 days before any rain started to fall. A full week of sitting in the stuffy, sealed up arc with all those animals... just waiting and wondering. Can you imagine the obedience and faith of such a situation? How would our faith hold out? Would we begin to question or doubt whether we had actually received direction from the Lord, or if perhaps we had just imagined it all? But the rains did come, and the flood did happen. How tragic if he would have lost faith on day 6 and just came out of the arc. We might ask oursleves... how quick is my obedience? How sure is my faith and confidence? And when I act on promptings and noth...