Jacob 5-6
Wow!! Even though Jacob is only 7 Chapters, he still packed quiet a punch in his preaching to the people. As I read chapter 5 I really was more blown away this time probably more than any other time I have ever read this. Probably a bit because of what is happening right now and how much the whole book of Jacob applies to us!
So in the break down of the chapter 5 is as follows...
3-14 is the scattering of Israel.
15-28 ministering of Christ and the apostles.
29-49 the great apostasy
50-76 the gathering of Israel
So where in this chapter do you think we are? 😉
When we read parables it can be confusing... and sometimes unclear.. I would know I was that way for YEARS! However we are so blessed to have so many sources at our finger tips now and I am blessed to have an amazing husband who has helped me to know how to study along with many other sources.
So who does the vineyard belong too? The master of the vineyard is Christ.
What does the vineyard represent? The world
The tame olive tree: People who have made covenants with God
The wild tree: People who have not made covenants with God
Who is the servant? We are
Good Fruit: Gospel of Christ
Bad fruit : Worldly
Evil fruit: Corrupted, perverted, destructive teachings/beliefs/living
Branch: Groups of people/ and or self.
Fire: cleansing/purify
I hope that helps when reading this..
I will just mention a few things we discussed in our study today about Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.
As you read, we learn of poorest spots, good spots and choice land above all other parts of the land.
We learn that in the poorest area he received much good fruit.
In the good spot he received tame fruit and wild fruit.Then later it brought forth all bad fruit.
In the best spot, the place that was above all the other parts of the land he received both good and wild fruit and then eventually the wild fruit over took the good and branches and withered away.
WHY?? What did the poorest produce the most and best when the other two produced far less and then eventually was worthless?
We can liken this to many things... but isn't it seem to always be the ones who have so very little give the most.. if not all that they have. Yet those who have so much have a hard time letting go.
When you have to struggle, work hard, and even fight you seem to appreciate, cherish an value what you are given. Hence the things the master of the vineyard and the servant provided for them.
In verse 47 the lord cries out for the lost of his trees in his vineyard and it he spared them a little longer because it pained him to lose them and continued to try and save the corrupted trees.
I feel that is him talking about us.. He truly loves each and everyone of us soo very much. He is truly willing to do all he can to help us, give us every opportunity and put things, and people in our path to help us. As a mother of my children I feel his pain and understand his desire to save them all.
In Chapter 6 you can hear and feel Jacob's desperate plea to the people to repent and change their ways. He is warning them of what will happen if they do not and wants to spare them from that eternal fate.
His final words before he bids them a farewell 12: O be wise; what can I say more?
I find me thinking that so many times in my head as I watch friends and family members not head the lord or take his hand (teachings) causally.
I testify everything we need it in our gospel teachings and it is up to us on how much do we really want to know.. Hence why the parables .. each of us in a different place so each one of us will take and understand them differently based on our heart, desire and spiritual growth.
I look forward to your input ..
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