Jacob 7

I couldn't help but think when it rains it pours when we read about Sherem coming to the people right after Jacob plead and with people to change their ways and to come back to the lord and to repent of their wicked ways. A false prophet, a deceiver, a man who preaches scripture mingled with the philosophies of men. Testing the faith of believers and followers both  strong and week in their faith.
Those who were not firm in their beliefs or was questioning in their hear would be easily seduced out of what little testimony they had left. So many try to do this. Picking and choices which part of the prophet, the lord, they are going to follow and which ones are  not really a big deal.   My husband says all the time We can not have a foot in Babylon and a foot in Zion. You will need to make a choice. As tempting as the world is with all its enticements, I still think how much harder it will be when or if you wait till the last moment to pull out of Babylon to follow Zion.
Because of Sherem's ways he and his love with twisting the word of God to apply it to his sinful life. He made the mistake of trying to take on a devote, faithful and obedient servant of the lord, Jacob. Not only did his evil ways cost him his life but possibly his salvation.

 I think about Sol's wife. How they were saved when the city was going to be destroyed. They were told to keep running and not to look back. But his wife did and she was turned to salt. We can look at this in so many ways and through the years I felt it was about obedience. It is... but it is more than that. She longed for the material things, her friends, the way of life they were leaving. The very thing that was an abomination to God. In her heart she would would have rather stayed than followed the lord. 
Where are we in this? Where are our hearts? Where is our faith, our obedience? Where are we? Can we stand firm, strong and against the storms that crash down? Can we be obedient without faltering? Are we humble enough to repent when we do fall short and continue to more forward??   


  1. I always want to be with God. I love my Heavenly Father and my brother Jesus and the Holy Ghost. I have a lot of faith especially after all the I got from them when I was sick when you kids were little. They helped me from a very dark place to where I am now. I know that Jesus truly know how I feel. He's always by my side feeling the things I do. And help me get through things. I don't feel panic right now. I feel things will be okay with the virus. But the earth quakes and after shock are a different story. I'm always asking for forgiveness. I seam to do a lot of things wrong. I stand firm with my beliefs and always will. I am trying to move forward everday, but sometimes I fall and try again. I hope this is what you are asking for. Love


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