The ultimate sacrifice

(John 15:13)

Let’s say you’re in Gethsemane.
The Atonement is up to you.
How would you have felt that night
Knowing such a debt is due?
Would you have felt lonely?
Would you have been afraid?
Could you have persevered
As the price for sin was paid?

With courage and with bravery,
With brotherly love so great,
The Only Begotten Son of God
Accepted His tragic fate.
He probably was lonely.
He probably wanted to flee.
But He stayed and did it all
Because of love for you and me.

We were His true motivation.
We were His purpose there,
As the Savior of the World
Proved to people everywhere 
They were worthy of a sacrifice 
We can barely comprehend;
Jesus showed us true compassion
Laying His life down for His friends.

— by Bonnie Lake Bloomfield,


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