Fasting and Adversity

A friend shared this with me. I found it very profound and true! Something to think about when dealing with life....
"I was taught this morning that our trials and adversity in life are comparable to a fast. Like a fast, we seek spiritual growth for a period of time in which we abstain from some comfort like food. We also make a sacrifice (a fast offering) in connection with our fasts. Adversity is designed for our spiritual growth, [in the premortal existence] we agreed to fast from deliverance for a period of time in a fallen state until we experienced the intended growth. At the end of our adversity and afflictions, our need for growth and food (deliverance) becomes intense. Our fast from deliverance and divine help ultimately brings the intended spiritual growth and the Lord finally intercedes . . . 
I learned that exaltation does not mean an absence of sorrow; it means we can have a fullness of joy. Exalted beings choose to live in a manner where they experience a fulness of joy even when faced with immense sorrow. I realize this is a paradox, but God chooses to experience eternal life with a fulness of joy. We can choose to exercise our agency in a similar manner. I started to choose joy.
One of the keys . . . was to see His hand in my everyday life, to learn the role of suffering, and to choose joy in all things."

“But behold, verily, verily, I say unto you that mine eyes are upon you. I am in your midst and ye cannot see me.”
Doctrine and Covenants 38:7


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