Ready to meet your Maker?
My life, especially now, is always been doing the right thing.. when it's hard it can get a bit muddy at first. However when you talk to father in heaven and take out the worldly voices and listen to his guidance and know that you are doing what he has asked and doing your best. Facing the lord is not something to fear.
My choice in what I offered in this difficult situation I am now in was out of mercy. I was told by the lord it is not about what is right, fair or legal but obedience to him.. I had ran it by a few people and all were shocked.. One person said I was crazy. Lol! Others told me I was too generous. All said there was no reason I had too. Majority said they wouldn't have done what I was willing to do. And couldn't understand why. Our choices in life shouldn't be about what the world says is ok. Its should always be about doing what the lord said you should do. In the end it is the lord I will stand before and he will either ask me "why" or tell me "good job". I want to hear "good job" there is nothing this world has or offers that is worth sacrificing that. 💕
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