So there was this Angel....
I was just reading Section 27 with Peyton and couldn't help but think of how to apply this to my own life.
Just to set the stage, Joseph Smith Jr. and a small group saints where getting together to take the sacrament and finally confirm and give the gift of the Holy Ghost to Emma, and I think there was one or two others too, and Joseph headed off to go get the wine. A short time later he returns with none. I can picture it in my head...
Emma: Joseph where is the wine? That was the one thing on the list.
Joseph: Uumm, well you see I was going to get the wine but there was.... umm... this heavenly messenger, yea that's it, you know the kind I see all the time? Well he told me that we didn't need any wine. In fact he told me it was a commandment to not go get wine. So no to answer you question I did not in fact forget it, I was told not to go buy it... by God. so there! Oh and now we need to make our own.
Maybe this is applying scripture to my own life a little to much.
A few other things that stood out to me.
2: It mattereth not what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink when ye partake of the sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an eye single to my glory. Even though it is the standard to use bread and water today we know that if it were necessary those could be substituted out with something else and we could still partake of the blessings of the sacrament.
5 - 14: The next time Christ sits down to take the sacrament there will be a gathering of all those that helped in the restoration. Named is Moroni, Elias, John the Baptist, Elijah, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Adam, Peter, James, John, and (v14) "And also with all those whom my Father hath given me out of the world." Peyton said "Wow that's a better line up then Infinity Wars." I think he is right.
15-18: The armor of God. Fill you life with Truth, Righteousness, the Gospel of Peace, Faith Salvation, and the Gods Spirit and we will be protected from all things.
-Matthew Allred
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