The lord will provide a way

Joseph Smith’s first baby passed away at birth. Emma almost died after the delivery as well. And just two weeks after this tragic time in Joseph Smith’s life, he learned that Martin Harris had lost the Book of Mormon manuscript. Joseph began to sob. “Oh, my God, my God,” Joseph groaned, clenching his fists. “All is lost!” The plates and interpreters were taken away from him. Contrast the darkness and hopelessness of this moment with the light and joy Joseph must have felt as he translated these words by Mormon: . “And I [have added the plates of Nephi] for a wise purpose [...]. And now, I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will.” (Words of Mormon 1:7) . Joseph knew that God knew. God cared. And God had provided. This passage helps me understand Christ’s grace. Joseph was in the depths of despair. And he had messed up, big time. But God provided a way out and up. A pat...